真不可思議,除了供應餐點之外,他想幹什麼?Unbelievable. Was he planning on doing besides serving burgers and fries?這一事故發生得這麼快,簡直不可思議。It seems inconceivable that the accident could have happened so quickly。我想你一定知道原子質量中負荷的不可思議的巨大能量。I guess you know about the fantastic charge of energy packed in the mass of the atom.
翻譯成英文是:The word incredible
不可思議,讀音bù kě sī yì,漢語成語,原有神秘奧妙的意思,是佛教用語。現多指無法想象,難以理解。 出自《維摩詰所說經·不思議品》。
真不可思議,除了供應餐點之外,他想幹什麼?Unbelievable. Was he planning on doing besides serving burgers and fries?這一事故發生得這麼快,簡直不可思議。It seems inconceivable that the accident could have happened so quickly。我想你一定知道原子質量中負荷的不可思議的巨大能量。I guess you know about the fantastic charge of energy packed in the mass of the atom.