  • 1 # 你永遠追不上的巨人

      promise you的中文翻譯  promise you  答應你  雙語例句  

    1,  I certainly didn"t promise you the money; you must have dreamed it.  我肯定沒有答應過給你那筆錢,準是你自己在胡思亂想。  

    2,  Difficulties with children will surface if you try to break a promise you made.  若不履行對孩子的諾言,你與他們的矛盾將浮出水面。  

    3,  I"ll promise you I give anyone same great service that I have experienced here.  我保證,我也會像復大一樣,提供給尋找希望的腫瘤病人最優質的服務。  

    4,  But I "m afraid I can" t promise you even that.  即便那樣,我恐怕也不能答應。  -------------------------------如有疑問,可繼續追問,如果滿意,請採納,謝謝。

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