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    友誼第一、比賽第二 :Friendship first,competition second賽出風格、賽出水平:Race out of style,race out of the level of團結拼搏、爭創佳績:Unity and struggle and striving for excellence挑戰自我、突破極限:Challenge yourself to break through the limit奮發拼搏、勇於開拓:Gung ho,dare to open up展現自我、爭創新高:Show self-fight record high揮動激情、放飛夢想:Waving passion,Flying Dream青春無悔、激情無限:Youth no regrets,passion Unlimited頑強拼搏、勇奪第一:Tenacious struggle,won the first挑戰自我、突破極限:Challenge yourself to break through the limit拼搏奮進、永遠進步:Endeavor hard,always progressive超越自我,誰與爭鋒:Beyond the self,can rival the

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  • 猛龍G1戰勝勇士,兩年前萊昂納德不傷的話,當年的冠軍是否會易主?