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    learn的過去式learned或 learnt,過去分詞learned或 learnt。learn的英式發音為 [lɜ:n],美式發音為 [lɜ:rn],意思有:得知,學習,學會,習得,記住學習,得知,記住,認識到。learn的用法:

    1、Their children were going to learn English 他們的小孩會學英語。

    2、It was only after his death that she learned of his affair with Betty 一直到他死後她才知道他和貝蒂有染。

    3、You have to learn to face your problem 你要學會面對自己的問題。

    4、I am convinced that he has learned from his mistakes 我深信他已從錯誤中吸取了教訓。

    5、He learned this song as an inmate at a Texas prison. 他在得克薩斯監獄服刑時學會了這首歌。

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