  • 1 # 使用者9874134305923

    Excuse me 讀音[ɪkˈskjuz mi]請原諒;勞駕;對不起;打擾一下造句:

    1I hope you will excuse me. 尚希見諒。 2Excuse me. Could you give me a light? 勞駕,借火使使。 3I sincerely hope you"ll excuse me.; I hope you would excuse me. 務希見諒。 4She could see the open door of a departmental office. "Hello! Excuse me. This is the department of French, isn"t it?" 她看到一個系辦公室的門開著。“喂!請問,這是法語系,對嗎?” 5"Oh excuse me." — "I should think so too." “哦,請原諒。”——“你確實應該感到抱歉。”

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