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    sqm abbr. 平方米 例句與用法1、It also offers a luxurious clubhouse and a podium garden occupying more than 2000 sqm.它也提供了一個豪華會所及平臺花園佔地2000多平方米。2The 47900 sqm site will be home to luxury hotels, exhibition facilities,shopping, dining and entertainment. 其中47900平方米的場地將會用來建造豪華酒店,展覽場館,商店和餐飲娛樂設施。3At minxin garden, rents range from just below rmb 300 ($ 46) for a 30sqm studio to just over rmb 600 for a three-bedroom flat. 民心佳園的租金從30平米單間公寓的略低於300元人民幣(合46美元),到三居室的略高於600元不等。

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