  • 1 # yfxvhgf

    once-in-a-lifetimeadj.千載難逢的; 例句:

    1.But getting hired is no longer a once-in-a-lifetime experience.但如今已不再是一生被聘去做一個工作了。

    2.Couples across New York are taking advantage of Wednesday"s once-in-a-lifetime date-09/ 09/ 09-to tie the knot.全紐約的情侶們都不想錯過週三這個千載難逢的好日子,紛紛選擇在09年9月9日這一天結婚。

    3.Pageant Master Adrian Evans spoke of a once-in-a-lifetime event, one that will reclaim the Thames as a royal route.慶典總策劃亞德里安-埃文斯盛讚道,這會是千載難逢的一次盛典,向人們展示泰晤士河作為皇室御用航道的風采。

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