  • 1 # 乾貨姜

    son 的音標是英 [sʌn] 美 [sʌn] 。;son ;n. 兒子; 孩子; 男性後裔; 聖子(耶穌基督);;雙語例句;

    1. Sam"s mother said her son had a good upbringing and schooling. ;薩姆的母親說她兒子家教好,受過良好教育。;

    2. She called her young son: "Here, Stephen, come and look at this!" ;她喊她的小兒子:“喂,斯蒂芬,過來看看這個!”;

    3. Her son used sign language to tell her what happened. ;她兒子用手語告訴她發生了什麼事。;

    4. My son has suffered terribly. He has lost his best friend. ;我兒子遭受了巨大痛苦,他失去了最要好的朋友。;

    5. He has been unhappy with his son"s political leanings. ;他一向不滿意兒子的政治傾向。

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