  • 1 # 嘻嘻哈哈真的好


    1、fly a kite

    2、fly kites【例句】1、Let’s head for the mountain and fly a kite. 我們去山上放風箏吧。2、What can you do in fall? I can fly kites. 秋天你可以幹什麼?我可以放風箏。

    3、Do you want to fly to kite? 你想去放風箏嗎?

    4、Let"s fly a kite together at the weekend! 這個週末我們一起去放風箏吧!7、Li Ming is flying a kite now. 李明正在放風箏。8、Why do you like fall? Because I can fiy kites. 你為什麼喜歡秋天?因為我可以放風箏。9、Spring is a good season to fly kites. You can fly your kites in the park, in the field or on the playground. 春天是放風箏的好季節,你可以去公園,田野裡或者操場上放風箏。

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