  • 1 # yfccvvbhg

    霸氣的英語縮寫形式“domineering”。例句:1、In addition, try not to become too domineering or curious when it comes to their social life. (還有,當他們踏上社會的時候,試著不要太跋扈或好奇)2、She act boldly, decisively,complete with a domineering,optimistic people do not have to placein the creation of wealth. (她行事大膽果斷,身上帶著一種霸氣,非要在別人不看好的地方創造財富)3、It is true that a strong china is good for Asia and a foil against the West but a domineering andaggressive China is not. (確實,強大的中國對亞洲有好處,能夠阻擊西方。不過咄咄逼人的中國則是另一回事)

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