1. Frightened children were calling for their mothers.受驚的孩子們呼喊著找媽媽。dict.cn
2. The sudden news frightened me.突來的訊息嚇我一跳。new.qzyz.com
3. I"m frightened of the monster.我怕妖怪。frightening [ "fraitəniŋ ] . . a. 令人恐懼的, 引起突然驚恐的 用於形容物~~如:1. The magnitude of the epidemic was frightening.這種流行病傳播範圍之廣令人惶惶不安。dict.cn 2. CHINA is in a frightening mood.(中國正瀰漫著一種不安且嚇人的情緒。www.5xue.com 3. Cities can be frightening places.城市有可能是使人害怕的地方。
frightened [ "frait(ə)nd ] a. 受驚的, 受恐嚇的 用於形容人~~如:
1. Frightened children were calling for their mothers.受驚的孩子們呼喊著找媽媽。dict.cn
2. The sudden news frightened me.突來的訊息嚇我一跳。new.qzyz.com
3. I"m frightened of the monster.我怕妖怪。frightening [ "fraitəniŋ ] . . a. 令人恐懼的, 引起突然驚恐的 用於形容物~~如:1. The magnitude of the epidemic was frightening.這種流行病傳播範圍之廣令人惶惶不安。dict.cn 2. CHINA is in a frightening mood.(中國正瀰漫著一種不安且嚇人的情緒。www.5xue.com 3. Cities can be frightening places.城市有可能是使人害怕的地方。