  • 1 # 使用者8780604305721

    just for fun:只是為了好玩;就是鬧著玩的。詞彙解析:

    1、just for英文發音:[dʒʌst fɔː(r)]中文釋義:只為例句:Perhaps you"d like to tell me what you were doing Monday. Just for the record.也許你不介意告訴我你週一在做些什麼。只是順便問問。

    2、fun英文發音:[fʌn]中文釋義:n.享樂;樂趣;快樂;享樂的事;嬉戲;逗樂;玩笑例句:She would have cracked up if she hadn"t allowed herself some fun.她若是沒給自己找點樂趣的話,早就崩潰了。擴充套件資料fun的近義詞:1、enjoyment英文發音:[ɪn"dʒɒɪmənt]中文釋義:n. 享受;樂趣;享有例句:I get enjoyment out of my job.我在我的工作之外得到樂趣。2、joy英文發音:[dʒɒɪ]中文釋義:n. 歡樂,快樂;樂趣;高興例句:Spending evenings outside is one of the joys of summer.在戶外消磨晚間時光是夏天的樂事之一。

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