  • 1 # 影片好笑

    翻譯如下集腋成裘翻譯方法很多。最簡單的是bringing together the small contributions of millions of people and making them matter. 其他的還有collect bits of fur under the foxes" forelegs to make a robe;Every little makes a mickle.; make a fur coat from many pieces of felt -- to get the benefit of many opinions; Many a little make a mickle.例句:新的網際網路是個完全不同的事務。它是讓上百萬人的微小努力集腋成裘的工具。It"s a tool for bringing together the small contributions of millions of people and making them matter.

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  • word怎樣設定可在列印後裝訂為書本效果?