  • 1 # 人工智庫

    She is our Chinese teacher, although it is a teacher, but she often help students to mingle with us, just like ateacher.In class, the classroom was silent, she was standing in the front desk, when she was in for a word in the textbookexplains, a nice note jumped out of her mouth, and from that moment, he has become the eyes of my character, Iindulge in her voice. Listen as if all other voices ceased to exist, but only her voice in my ear, can not forget for a long time!很高興為您解答 O(∩_∩)O~不懂可以繼續追問喲 (*^__^*) 滿意請及時【採納】 ^_^

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 不用電的燈泡,你覺得有商機嗎?