  • 1 # 湯圓電影Vlog

    I"m at my wit"s end.我已經無能無力了(心勞日拙,束手無策)。片語:at one"s wit"s end 心勞日拙,黔驢技窮,不知所措雙語例句:

    1. He was at wit"s end with his troublesome younger brother.他最後對他那個麻煩的弟弟也無法可想。

    2. When the dawn arrives, you are basically at wit"s end, smiled: " Take its course. "當凌晨到來時, 你基本無計可施, 笑笑說: 順其自然吧。

    3. I was at my wit"s end to find the money to pay the rent.我沒有辦法掙錢來付租金。

    4. We row a lot and we never have time on our own. I"m at my wit"s end.我們經常爭吵,從無在一起的時間,我真是沒有辦法了。

    5. I am at my wit"s end now.我現在束手無策。

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 為什麼沒有美女呢?