  • 1 # 哪吒大兄弟

    英文單詞【auction】英文讀音【ˈɔ:kʃn】美語讀音【ˈɔ:kʃn】釋義:n.拍賣; 競賣; 標售; (橋牌)拍賣玩法vt.拍賣; 競賣例句:

    1. The sale is a big coup for the auction house. 這筆交易是該拍賣行的一大成功之舉。

    2. The airline plans to auction its international routes to former competitors. 這家航空公司打算把他們的國際線路拍賣給以前的競爭對手。

    3. Thirteen per cent of Christie"s coin and banknote auction went unsold. 佳士得13%的硬幣和紙幣拍賣流拍。

    4. Many of the cars you will see at auction are repossessions. 你將在拍賣會上見到的許多車輛都是被收回物品。

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