  • 1 # 個人股

    come back to 返回到例句:

    1、Only come back to me. 我只是求你回到我身邊來。

    2、He"s come back to the village to see us folks. 他回村看望鄉親們來了。

    3、I come back to his health. 我認為是他的健康問題。be back to 回到例句:1、But he hopes to be back to china soon after for he loves it living there. 但是他希望很快就能回到中國,因為他喜歡那裡的生活。2、Don"t be back to your official table until you have calmed down.出去走兩步,等你平靜下來(不再急躁)再回到辦公桌上。3、 because without it we"d be back to print as our primarymedium. 我們都應該感謝網際網路,因為沒有它的話我將回到以印刷為主要媒介的年代。

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