  • 1 # 純母乳oula

    傷心的英文是sad。詞彙分析音標:英 [sæd] 美 [sæd] 釋義:adj. 難過的;悲哀的,令人悲痛的;悽慘的,陰鬱的(形容顏色)短語so sad 如此悲傷;如此難過feel sad 感到悲傷;心酸in sad earnest [古語]十分嚴肅地,一本正經地 sad face 愁容if you are sad 若你悲哀例句1、He must be very sad to hear it. 他要知道嘍一定很難過。2、What a sad scene! 多麼悽慘的景象!3、She looks so sad;see if you can jolly her along a bit. 她看上去非常悲哀;你試試看能否讓她高興起來。4、I have some very sad news to share with all of you. 我有一些十分令人悲痛的訊息和你們分享。5、I knew then that we would have no turkey or ham for Christmas and I felt sad. 我知道在我們的聖誕節餐桌上肯定不會有火雞或火腿,我感到難過。

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