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    頭的英文:head 英 [hed] 美 [hed] n. 頭部;頭腦;頂端;領袖;硬幣的正面 v. 前進;為首;朝向 adj. 首要的;前面的 詞彙搭配:

    1、count heads 清點人數

    2、hang one"s head 把頭低下來

    3、have a good head 有頭腦

    4、knock head 叩頭 相關例句: 1、He climbed to the head of his class. 在班上他已名列前茅。 2、He has twenty head of cattle on the farm. 他在農場養了20頭牛。 3、His brother has a good head for mathematics. 他弟弟有個很好的數學頭腦。 4、She being a modest woman her head was by no means turned by the acclaim which broke over her. 她很謙虛,讚揚聲像浪潮般向她襲來,她也不會被衝昏頭腦。

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