  • 1 # Abnnjhg

    come forward (to)= step forward;move to the front;offer oneself;present oneself站出來;自告奮勇;主動提出 例如:*Then the dean came forward and shook hands with all the representatives.接著,教務長走上前來,同所有的代表一一握手。*He has come forward with an offer of help.他主動提出幫忙。*The police want witnesses of the incident to come forward and help them with their inquiries.警察希望事故目擊者能站出來協助他們調查。*When his home was badly damaged in the storm many soldiers came forward to help him repair it.當他家房子在暴風雨中遭到嚴重損壞時,許多戰士主動來幫助他維修。

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