  • 1 # 木子醬

    羊駝(拉丁學名:Vicugna pacos,英文名:alpaca)為偶蹄目、駱駝科的動物,體重55-65千克,頭體長度1200-2250毫米。外形有點像綿羊,一般棲息於海拔4000米的高原。每群十餘隻或數十隻,由1只健壯的雄駝率領。以高山棘刺植物為食。

    Alpaca (Latin name: Vicugna pacos, English name: alpaca) is an animal of the genus Artiodactylus, Camelidae, weighing 55-65 kg, and the length of the head is 1200-2250 mm. The shape is a bit like a sheep, and it usually inhabits a plateau at an altitude of 4,000 meters. Each group is more than ten or dozens, and is led by a strong male. Feed on alpine spiny plants.

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