  • 1 # rzamo31351

    Eternal Alexander、Titans、Titans、Conquest of Paradise、(Vangelis) Standing In Motion (Yanni) Epilogue、Farewell、Letter、Memory、Piano Solo、My Brother、The Last、YoungShin Death (Dong-jun Lee)太極旗飄揚電影原聲大碟 He"s A Pirate (Hans Zimmer)Pirates Of The Caribbean THE LUDLOWS James Horner《Legends Of The Fall》電影原聲 For the Love of a Princess James Horner 《Braveheart》 電影原聲 Th Rock Housee John Dunbar Theme John Barry《looks Like A Suicide》電影原聲 Rock House Rock House《勇闖奪命島》電影原聲

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