服裝透氣性的英文可以說air permeability,也可以用breathability。例句1:PTT knitted fabrics comfort properties of air permeability, moisture permeability and moisture conductivity were tested and evaluated. 對PTT針織面料的透氣性、透溼性及導溼性等舒適性能進行了測試與評價。例句2: Things to look for in lightweight clothing: synthetic material ( stay away from cotton), minimum amount of pockets and zippers, thin fabric, and breathability.輕量化的服裝應選擇只要注意:合成材料(遠離棉質材料)、儘可能少的口袋和拉鍊、更薄的面料,而且具有透氣性。
服裝透氣性的英文可以說air permeability,也可以用breathability。例句1:PTT knitted fabrics comfort properties of air permeability, moisture permeability and moisture conductivity were tested and evaluated. 對PTT針織面料的透氣性、透溼性及導溼性等舒適性能進行了測試與評價。例句2: Things to look for in lightweight clothing: synthetic material ( stay away from cotton), minimum amount of pockets and zippers, thin fabric, and breathability.輕量化的服裝應選擇只要注意:合成材料(遠離棉質材料)、儘可能少的口袋和拉鍊、更薄的面料,而且具有透氣性。