1、US actress Brittany Murphy died of pneumonia, a Los Angeles coroner has ruled. 一位洛杉磯驗屍官判定,演員布蘭妮·墨菲死於肺炎。
2、I need you to give Stevie and Brittany their baths and put them to bed. 我需要你給布列塔尼和斯蒂夫洗澡,再把他們抱到床上。
3、In January , 1488, Charles VIII , the French King, attacked Brittany , which greatly threatened the benefit of England. 1488年1月,法王查理八世大舉進攻布列塔尼,嚴重威脅了英國的利益。
4、I remember the day Brittany came to our school. 我仍記得布里塔尼來我們學校的那天。
可以當英文名使用,同時也是一個地名,翻譯過來就是:布列塔尼、布蘭妮,沒有別的含義。 例句:
1、US actress Brittany Murphy died of pneumonia, a Los Angeles coroner has ruled. 一位洛杉磯驗屍官判定,演員布蘭妮·墨菲死於肺炎。
2、I need you to give Stevie and Brittany their baths and put them to bed. 我需要你給布列塔尼和斯蒂夫洗澡,再把他們抱到床上。
3、In January , 1488, Charles VIII , the French King, attacked Brittany , which greatly threatened the benefit of England. 1488年1月,法王查理八世大舉進攻布列塔尼,嚴重威脅了英國的利益。
4、I remember the day Brittany came to our school. 我仍記得布里塔尼來我們學校的那天。