  • 1 # odzri919

    小婦人》The little old woman: one is the happiest thing is that somebody loves you.When you are at my time, I absent-minded,When I come to you, when you have gone.We are always in a meeting to miss, losing a lot of.However, I want to say this is because we are still young.No, perhaps this is our life.From then on, I always looked back the road. 當你凝望我的時候,我心不在焉, 當我奔向你的時候,你已經無影無蹤了。 我們總是在一次次錯過時,失去了很多。 不過,我想說這是因為我們還年輕。 不,或許這就是我們的人生。 從那以後,我總會回頭望望來時的路。

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