  • 1 # thrfr2643

    竭力尋找用翻譯英文是:try one"s best to look for/search或spare no effort to look for/search相關短語學習:try one"s best 英[trai wʌnz best] 美[traɪ wʌnz bɛst] [詞典] 盡最大努力; 肆力; [例句]A lot of people utilize this chance to try one"s best to purchase, in order to leave some stocks.許多人利用這個機會盡量採購,以便留些存貨。spare no effort 英[spɛə nəʊ ˈefət] 美[spɛr noʊ ˈɛfət] [詞典] 不遺餘力,盡力去做; 賣勁兒; 竭盡; 賣力; [例句]The government is determined to spare no effort in investigating this case thoroughly政府決定不遺餘力地徹底調查這個案子。

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