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    sweet 英[swi:t] 美[swit] 複數:sweets形容詞 adj.

    1.甜(味)的Sugar has a sweet taste.糖有一種甜味。The fruit isn"t sweet enough.這水果不夠甜。

    2.悅耳[目]的, 芳香的; 令人高興的Just smell these sweet flowers!請聞聞這些芬芳的花朵!It smells sweet.它有香味。

    3.溫柔的, 和藹的, 體貼的She has a naturally sweet temper.她性格溫和。My grandparents were very sweet to me.我的祖父母對我很和藹。

    4.可愛的She is a sweet girl.她是一位可愛的姑娘。名詞 n.1.糖果Don"t eat sweets.不要吃糖果。2.甜食That sweet consists of eggs, honey and cream.

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