1 她就想躺在你懷裡,聽你講故事 She just wants to lie in your arms and listen your stories.
2 他摟緊了, / 他鬆開了,那個小男孩 He held the boy tightly./He released the boy.
3 把鞋帶繫緊點 / 系松一點Tie your shoe tie tight./Tie your shoe tie loose.
4 請把那封郵件轉給我看一下。 Please forward me the mail.
5 你把房間收拾乾淨了嗎? Have you cleaned your room?
6 我正在考慮,該送他什麼樣的生日禮物。能我點建議嗎、?I"m thinking about what birthday present should I give him. Can you give me any advice?
1 她就想躺在你懷裡,聽你講故事 She just wants to lie in your arms and listen your stories.
2 他摟緊了, / 他鬆開了,那個小男孩 He held the boy tightly./He released the boy.
3 把鞋帶繫緊點 / 系松一點Tie your shoe tie tight./Tie your shoe tie loose.
4 請把那封郵件轉給我看一下。 Please forward me the mail.
5 你把房間收拾乾淨了嗎? Have you cleaned your room?
6 我正在考慮,該送他什麼樣的生日禮物。能我點建議嗎、?I"m thinking about what birthday present should I give him. Can you give me any advice?