  • 1 # 熱乎乎剛剛

    我是布迷~《蛇蠍美人》專輯裡的所有歌,主打的hold it against me,till the world ends,一聽旋律就愛上了。inside out,he about to lose me,drop dead beautiful,criminal,這幾首也很好聽,中間的兩首有remix版的,個人認為更好聽。其他的節奏比較high一點的when i found you,piece of me,i·m slave u,womanizer,i wanna go(remix),mona lisa,crazy,3,gimme more,toy soldier,trouble for me,selfish,cinderella,do something,toxic,baby one more time,oops i did it again。抒情的,everytime,sometimes,autumn goodbye,dont let me be the last to know,born to make you happy,lucky,shadow希望你喜歡~~~~喜歡記得給最佳哦。

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