  • 1 # 是的按時是

    A long time ago,I was lucky to have an unforgettable experience about barbecue.At first,I had questioned about wether the barbecue were clean or not.But the smell of it sure captured me.With the urge of a friend,I started eating one of the barbecued chicken.The taste were so tasty that I immediately want another.This was an extremely unforgettable experience for me. 很久以前,我有幸能有一次關於燒烤的難忘的經歷。一開始,我確實有質疑這燒烤的乾淨程度。但這香味卻捕獲了我的心。有了我朋友的催促,我開始嘗試一支雞肉燒烤。燒烤的味道美味到讓我立即想要第二根。這便是我的一場關於燒烤的難忘經歷。

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 和自己的女朋友戀愛了100天,想在說說上寫下一段話該怎麼寫啊?