  • 1 # dtalu15217

    shake your arms and your legs的意思是揮舞你的胳膊和你的腿。shake:動搖 ,搖頭,揮動。例:

    1、The nurse shook the thermometer and put it under my armpit.護士把體溫計甩了甩,然後放到了我的腋下。

    2、As soon as he got inside, the dog shook himself. 他一進來,狗就開始搖頭擺尾。

    3、"Anything else?" Colum asked. Kathryn shook her head wearily.“還有別的嗎?”科拉姆問。凱瑟琳疲憊地搖了搖頭。

    4、He roared with laughter, shaking in his chair.他放聲大笑,笑得身子在椅子上直顫。

    5、Another man constantly chain-smoked and seemed to have the shakes.另一名男子一直一支接一支地抽菸,似乎身體有些發抖。shake:動搖,搖頭,揮動。

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