  • 1 # 佳期如夢將至

    "touch the ground"英語用中文寫出來大概是這麼讀:他吃(touch)的(the)管的(ground)英 [tʌtʃ ðə ɡraund] 美 [tʌtʃ ði ɡraʊnd]

    touch the ground碰觸地面雙語例句1.I can touch the ground with my hands. 我能用我的手觸控到地面。2.Can you turn around and touch the ground? 你可會扭轉身體接觸地面?3.I can reach my toes and touch the ground with my hands. 我能夠到我的腳趾,而且還能用手觸碰到地面。4.Your jeans are dirty at the bottom because they touch the ground. 你的工裝褲下邊髒了,因為下邊蹭著地了。5.Reach out and touch the ground or the floor, what does it feel like? 伸出手觸控那裡的地面或地板,感覺如何?

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