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    never give up意思是決不放棄,不服輸精神 英 [ˈnevə ɡiv ʌp];美 [ˈnɛvɚ ɡɪv ʌp] give up phr.放棄;戒除;投降,認輸

    1、Once they get an idea into their heads, they never give up. 一旦接受了一個想法,他們就永遠不會放棄。

    2、We"ll never give up until the goal is reached. 不達目的決不罷休。

    3、We"ll never give up until the goal is reached. 不達目的決不罷休。

    4、We will never give up working, whatever happens. 無論發生什麼事,我們將不會放棄工作。

    5、He"ll never give up his bad habit of smoking. 抽菸的壞毛病他總也改不了。

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