  • 1 # hhhnd28005

    英文:Yes, be careful讀音:英[jes] [bi] [ˈkeəfl] 美[jɛs][bi][ˈkerfl]釋義:對,小心1、Be careful! Don"t get your clothes wet. 2、Be careful not to slip. 3、Be careful not to burn your mouth. 重點詞彙:careful讀音:英 [ˈkeəfl] 美 [ˈkerfl] adj.仔細的,小心的;周到的;慎;心細一、look out讀音:英 [luk aut] 美 [lʊk aʊt] 當心;向外看; 面向; 朝外例句:1、、Look out! The road is slippery. 3、"Hey! Look out!" shouted Patty 讀音:英 [wɔtʃ aut] 美 [wɑtʃ aʊt] 當心;保持警覺例句:1、"Watch out!" he hollered 2、Watch out that you don"t catch cold, going out in the pouring rain.

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