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    body cream 身體防曬乳霜雙語例句

    1.Once the skin has calmed down, you can switch over to using Calendula Body Cream for the daily care of your baby"s bottom. 一旦面板獲得鎮靜,您可以利用金盞花身體乳液來接替本品做為日常護理。

    2.It"s usually hit or miss with Burt"s Bees, this one is a HIT! Rich, creamy, smells spanine (like almond butter), lasts forever, and he price can"t be beat. My new favorite body cream. 一直都很喜歡小蜜蜂的東西,這個產品尤其好,非常滋潤,濃厚,聞起來很可愛,像杏仁油,而且效果持續久,價格更加無懈可擊,這是我現在最喜歡的一款身體霜。

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