  • 1 # Mnbcxs

    Create Password點選建立密碼;輸入密碼;建立密碼雙語例句1. After you typed your password, please click on the Create Password button. 輸入密碼後, 請點選建立密碼(CreatePassword)鍵.2. Click on the Create Password button. 點選建立密碼(CreatePassword)鍵.3. The next page will ask you to create your password. 點選後顯示的頁面會請求您建立密碼.4. Yes, you can create your address your password when you register. 是的, 在你註冊的時候你建立一個自己的地址和密碼.5. Now create new account, input user name and password. 現在建立新帳號, 輸入使用者姓名和密碼.

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