  • 1 # 湯圓電影Vlog

    酸sour甜sweet苦bitter辣hot/spicy鹹salty美味的delicious短語:7.太辣 Too Funky ; too spicy8.辣醃菜 piccalilli9.辣法 laferrari10.不怕辣 Not afraid of spicy造句:11.這咖哩太辣了。This curry is too hot.12.所有用紅色標出的菜餚都很辣。All the dishes in red are quite hot. 13.我認為這會是世界上最辣的一道咖哩菜餚。I think it will be the hottest curry in the world," said Singh. 14.哦,是嗎?我喜歡吃辣。你有什麼推薦嗎?Oh, really? I like hot food. What"s your recommendation? 15.一些人喜歡微辣的辣椒,其他人喜歡很辣的。Some people like mild chilies, others like plenty of heat.

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  • 爆米花怎麼做才能裹上一層奶油?