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    fiber optic cable光纜; 例句:

    1.The solution to problems like those east africa is currently experiencing is not less fiberoptic cable, but more. 類似於那些東非國家目前所經歷的問題的解決方法也不僅僅是光纜,還有更多。

    2.A fiber optic cable relaying gps data wasn"t quite plugged in to the experiment"s maintimer, producing data suggesting that neutrinos fired from cern, in switzerland, arrived initaly 60 nanoseconds earlier than physically possible. 由於一條傳遞gps資料的光纖沒有正確插入實驗的主計時器上,結果得出的資料顯示,從位於瑞士的歐洲核子研究所發射出來的中微子,到達義大利的時間比物理極限早了60納秒

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