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    common 含有“平常,普通,常見,不足為奇”等意思,側重於缺少顯著或異常的特徵,特別說明某物因司空見慣而普通。如: Colds are common in winter . A dog is one of the commonest pets . This flower is common in spring . ordinary 意為“正常的,通常的,平常的,普通的”,指由於與常規、習慣、一般標準或品質相同而普通,無特別驚人的性質。如: He is an ordinary - looking man . It was an early morning in summer . In the streets , sleepy - eyed people were moving quickly , heading towards their jobs . This was the beginning of another ordinary day in New York City . 一大早睡眼惺惺的人們匆匆趕路,前去上班,沒有任何異常的跡象,這又是紐約城一個平常的日子的開始。

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