  • 1 # iypdh49398

    我會一直等著你英語翻譯為:I"ll be waiting for you all the time.詞彙解析:

    1、waiting for you英文發音:[ˈweɪtɪŋ fɔː(r) ju]中文釋義:等你;等候你;等著你例句:There must be someone out there waiting for you. 在世界上一定有一個人等著與你相遇。

    2、all the time英文發音:[ɔːl ðə taɪm]中文釋義:一直;一直;始終例句:Because he stayed with me all the time that night. 因為那天晚上,他一直和我呆在一起。all the time的其他說法1、always英 [ˈɔ:lweɪz] 美 ["ɔlwez] adv. 永遠,一直;總是;常常We will always remember his generous hospitality.我們將永遠記住他的慷慨好客。2、all the way一路上;自始至終Grace and charm all the way. 風度和魅力的所有道路。

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