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    be caught in 陷入,捲入例句:We were caught in the storm and got drenched.我們遇上大雨全都被澆透了。If you take over Dora"s job, you are sure to be caught in the middle.如果接替多拉的工作,你一定會被搞得進退兩難。 be stuck in : 受困於,被困在。。。中, 陷入,卡住不動,困住例:" he wailed."My hand will be stuck in this jar for ever.他哭著說,“我的手會永遠卡在罐子裡的。”We don"t want to be stuck in the market all the afternoon.我們不想整個下午被困在商場。 be trapped in 陷於...處境之下 例句: He was trapped in the hard task. 他陷於這個困難任務之下. 套牢 (be trapped in the stock market)

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