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    ~The composition is good except for a few spelling mistakes. 這篇作文很好,只是有幾個拼寫錯誤。

    ~Christophe showed real genius in composition. 克利斯雜夫表現出真正的作曲天才。

    ~The exact燾omposition of the cloth爎emains uncertain. 這種布匹的確切成分尚未可知。

    essay 論文,雜文,隨筆


    ~ I wrote down this爀ssay燼nd put it in my mind. 我寫下這篇文章並將它印在腦海裡。

    ~The爀ssay爄s so difficult! 這份論文實在很難!

    ~This爀ssay爓ill definitely change your mind.


    ~I agreed to write an爀ssay燽efore 5 p.m. on a certain day. 我答應在某天下午 5 點前寫一篇小短文。

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