  • 1 # 網事並不如煙

    據《牛津高階英漢雙解詞典》:ghetto:1、 a area of a city where many people of the same race or background live, separately from the rest of the population. Ghettos are often crowded, with bad living conditions. (相同種族或背景的人的)聚居區;貧民區 2 、the area of a town where Jews were forced to live in the past(昔日城市中的)猶太人居住區slum: a area of a city that is very poor and where the houses are dirty and in bad condition貧民窟,棚屋區就“貧民區”這個意思來講,ghetto和slum意思很接近。區別在於:在一個ghetto中居住的人是同一種族或背景的,而且很擁擠;ghetto是與城市中的其他區域是隔開的。而slum沒有這層意思。

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