  • 1 # yfccvvbhg

    longshore drift[英][ˌlɒŋʃɔ: ˈdrɪft][美][ˌlɔ:ŋʃɔ:r ˈdrɪft]沿岸物質流; 沿岸漂移雙語例句1Material sources for natural gravel beaches include river input, cliff recession, seabed erosion, longshore drift, glacier rafting and human activities.天然礫石海灘的物質主要來源於河流輸入、海岸侵蝕、海底侵蝕、沿岸輸送、人類活動及冰川搬運等。2The study shows also that the rate of longshore drift, freshwater discharge into the tidal basin and the type of tides have some influence upon the parameters  C  and  n .模擬實驗還表明,引數C的大小與沿岸輸砂率、淡水徑流量和潮汐型別有關,這些因素對引數n也稍有影響。

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