  • 1 # Gghgffvbb

    synonym ["sinənim] n. 同義詞;同義字請看例句:This shows that not a policy initiative to save the city a synonym for the city, a market economy, micro-economic market failure by the Government to adjust to.可見救市舉措不是政策市的代名詞,市場經濟條件下,微觀經濟市場失靈必須由政府來調節。That whether modern agriculture is a synonym of agricultural modernization or not is poorly regard so far and deserving to be comprehend fully in the groves of academe.現代農業與農業現代化是否同義語,這應是學界首先弄清的問題,但目前缺乏這方面的研究

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 明明我們每一個人都有自己想做的事,可是為什麼就是做不了,為什麼要被現實打敗?