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    nominal pressure [英][ˈnɔminəl ˈpreʃə][美][ˈnɑmənəl ˈprɛʃɚ] 公稱壓力,標稱壓力; 例句:

    1. As the yen hits 15-year highs on a nominal basis, there is more pressure to shipoperations abroad. 隨著日元的名義匯率創下15年以來的新高,將生產線移至海外變得更為緊迫。

    2. While the obama budget would include a nominal rise in military spending, it still meanscontinued pressure on the army and the marines, with the prospect of further reductions. 雖然根據奧巴馬政府的預算案,美國的軍事開支名義上會提高,但美國的陸軍和海軍仍然會持續面臨壓力,未來有可能進一步縮減規模

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