  • 1 # yfccvvbhg

    英文原文:collect nuts。英式音標:[kəˈlekt] [nʌts]。美式音標:[kəˈlɛkt] [nʌts]拓展資料:collect nuts的意思:收集堅果(榛子)例句:

    1,Summer was coming, and so the mice came out of the wall to collect berries, nuts, corn and straw.夏季來臨,因此,小鼠出來的隔離牆,以收集漿果,堅果,玉米和秸稈。

    2,In AD 62, the Roman Emperor Nero sent slaves to the mountains to collect snow to be flavored with honey and nuts.公元62年,羅馬皇帝尼洛派奴隸上山採集冰雪,再以蜂蜜和堅果調味。

    3,In AD 62, the Roman Emperor Nero sent slaves to the mountains to collect snow to be flavored with honey and nuts.西元62年,羅馬皇帝尼洛派奴隸上山採集冰雪,再以蜂蜜和堅果調味。

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