  • 1 # rlyyo22509

    test the waters測試水(溫度、深淺等); 試探;市場測試;例句1.If they have never done something before, they are eager to test the waters. 如果他們以前從未做過某事,他們會急於試水。2.A sixth semester student came to test the waters; she found it was to her likingand more of her friends joined. 一個六學期的學生開始試水;她發現在她喜歡這樣,許多她的朋友加入進來。3.One option would be to select a small, simple process so you can test the waters-- and also so you can be confident that the project will be a success. 一種方法就是選擇一個小型的、簡單的流程,這樣就可以進行市場測試 —— 並且可以讓您對成功完成專案充滿信心。

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