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    Our holiday

    今天是我們的節日,Today is our holiday,大家心情多麼愉快。We feel very happy.隊鼓敲起來,Team drum up,隊號吹起來,Blow up team no.,小鳥的歌兒也合著我們的節拍。Bird songs are matched to the beat.今天是我們的節日,Today is our holiday,大家氣概多麼豪邁。What a heroic spirit.領巾飄起來,Scarf, floating隊禮敬起來,Team one,星星火炬也邀來了天邊的雲彩。Star torch is invited to the clouds on the horizon.六一,歡樂的節日,Six one, the festive season,

    我們為你打扮,為你祝福;We dress up for you, bless for you;六一,喜慶的節日,Six one, a festive holiday,我們為你歡呼,為你喝彩。We are cheering for you, cheer for you.

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