  • 1 # 每日叨叨育兒經

    Chinese New Year is the most important festival for all of us.春節對華人來說應該是最重要的節日了

    All family members get together on New Year"s Eve to have a big meal.除夕夜,全家人在一起吃豐盛的年夜飯

    At the same time, everyone celebrates to each other. 同時互相慶祝新年快樂

    At about 12 o"clock some parents and children light fire crackers. 除夕夜晚上12點整,一些家長和孩子會點燃鞭炮來賀新春,辭舊歲。

    The whole sky is lighted brightly.你會發現那時天空都被煙火點亮

    We may watch the fireworks excitedly. 我們會很興奮的欣賞煙花。

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